Branding – An Essential Marketing Strategy For Landscape Design Business
Sunday, 18 October 2020
The tough competition in the landscape design field is a nemesis to the startup and small-scale landscapers. Not being able to work around this barrier will lead to the downfall of your landscape design business. You have to come up with strong marketing strategies to counter the problem. Branding is one thing that you should
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Need A Garden Makeover? Hire A Landscaper
Sunday, 04 October 2020
It is always a bliss to have a clean and organized house. It is believed that how you manage your house is a reflection of you are as a homeowner. That is why a lot of homeowners devote so much money and time to improve their homes, buy pieces of furniture and keep the place
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Lawn Mowers – How to Save Money on Lawn Equipment
Saturday, 03 October 2020
When purchasing new lawn care equipment you know that it can be expensive. It is important that you shop around and look for the best price. You may even be surprised that you can find deals on used equipment. In some cases you may get a piece of equipment that has been barely used. Search
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Landscape Marketing Design
Saturday, 19 September 2020
Did it ever occur to you that landscape design marketing was something that was essential to your business as are a good aesthetic sense and a knowledge of horticulture? Chances are, if you are someone who puts a lot of time and love into their work, you’ve never really thought about why you need to
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The Environmental Cost of US Lawns
Saturday, 19 September 2020
According to a recent article published by Science Daily, “Using census data, satellite images, aerial photographs, and computer simulations, a NASA scientist estimated that turf grass is the single-largest irrigated crop in the United States” which begs the question what is the environmental cost? When we use three times as much water to irrigate our
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Backyard Landscaping – Benefits
Saturday, 05 September 2020
In the house a backyard is a source of recreation, or relaxation. Isn’t it good that landscape can be focused to in the backyard? This type of landscaping is very in demand in the United States, it is becoming more and more famous this remaining days. They become more and more like a fashion accessory
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Is It OK to Mow Wet Grass?
Saturday, 05 September 2020
Just as you’re getting ready to mow the lawn, a rain cloud races overhead and soaks your grass. So you’re out of luck, right? That’s what everyone says. Your dad, your grandma, your neighbor, your friends, they all say that mowing wet grass is a bad idea. It’ll ruin your lawn, they say, don’t do
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Landscape Design – Creating Balance In Home Landscaping
Saturday, 22 August 2020
A sense of balance is necessary in creating a professional looking landscape design. Creating balance and unity is simple and can actually make designing easier but it is often overlooked. Use these guidelines to simplify your design and to ensure that your garden or landscape has a professional finished look. Balance is a principle of
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Hydrostatic Remote Control Lawn Mowers For Steep Hills
Saturday, 22 August 2020
Remote Control Lawn Mowers For Slope Mowing Applications Today’s popular zero-turn riding mowers are generally rated to safely handle up to a 30 degree incline without risking injury to the operator. A lawn care professional has to equip 5 or 6 of his crew members with profit eating string trimmers when it comes time to
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How to Build and Landscape an Aviary
Saturday, 08 August 2020
Tips to Construct Your Own Aviary If you want to have an aviary, you need to know that there is a special way to build and landscape the aviary according to the kinds of birds you want to keep. Here is some useful information regarding the same. First of all, what is an aviary? An
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Lawn Mowing Experts Cite The Best Mower Maintenance Tips
Saturday, 08 August 2020
Mowing is one of the most important tasks that homeowners need to do in order to keep lawns clean, healthy and appealing. However, there are cases when mowing can be a difficult task due to numerous issue. For one, homeowners need to choose the right time to mow. Next, unexpected weather conditions or even seasons
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The Basic Principles Of Landscape Design
Saturday, 25 July 2020
Whether you plan to “borrow ideas” or plan on creating your own landscaping design, you should have at the very least a basic understanding of the principles of landscape design. Don’t feel that you have to apply every principle to every part of your plan. Just having an understanding of these principles can help you
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Suffering From Brown Lawn Syndrome?
Saturday, 25 July 2020
Brown lawns can be embarrassing. You want a lawn that is green and healthy looking. Whether you are having company or just relaxing outside with your family, you want a healthy green lawn to enjoy. This really is not that much to ask. The good news is that it is easy to achieve the beautiful
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Utilizing Landscape Light
Saturday, 11 July 2020
Landscape design is a very important aspect of any homes’ exterior. The aspects of landscape design that homeowners include sometimes lacks the proper landscape light when, in reality, this should be one of the most important parts. When homeowners think of the word landscaping and landscape light, they picture the physical aspects which accompany the
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Top 3 Factors to Consider While Choosing a Lawn Care Service
Saturday, 11 July 2020
Choosing a lawn care provider to keep your lawn green and healthy is as important a decision as choosing any other service to help you care for your home. Lawn care is vital to keeping your home beautiful, because anyone who visits your home will see your lawn and know if you are caring for
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Flowering Azaleas, Camellia, Crepe Myrtle (Crape Myrtle), And Other Important Landscape Shrubs
Saturday, 27 June 2020
Landscape shrubs are divided into two main categories: Evergreen shrubs grown primarily for the green leaves, and shrubs that are grown for flowers. Some of the flowering shrubs that are grown for flowers are also evergreen, such as: Albelia, Azalea, Banana shrub, Bottlebrush, Bridal Wreath, Gardenia, Ligustrum, Oleander, and Tea Olive. Azaleas and Camellias are
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Why Use a Commercial Lawnmower at Home?
Saturday, 27 June 2020
Not all yards are created equal. COMMERCIAL LAWN MOWERS are becoming more and more popular for maintaining residential lawns. There are several reasons you might choose a heavy-duty machine for your personal landscaping. Your Yard is Huge! If you have a large lawn to cut, and it takes you more than an hour a week
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Landscaping Design – How to Avoid a Kitsch Landscape
Saturday, 13 June 2020
You can create a chic landscape without turning it into a design disaster. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, “kitsch” is defined as “sentimentality or vulgar, often pretentious bad taste, especially in the arts.” Applying this term to the landscape can be quite different. It could imply specific garden elements unnecessary in the landscape or
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Buy an Existing Lawn Care Business Or Start Your Own?
Saturday, 13 June 2020
When entrepreneurs first decide to enter the lawn care business one of the first decisions that they have to make is whether to buy an existing business or go with their own independent start-up right from scratch. There are advantages and disadvantages to buying an existing lawn care business as opposed to starting your own.
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Why a Patent Landscape Analysis Is Essential
Saturday, 30 May 2020
Every enterprise, big or small, thrives on Research and development for its growth. Success of a product and in turn the company, depends on strategic planning of these R&D activities. Now, a key to this strategic planning is PLA or Patent landscape analysis, which allows one to navigate areas for growth and future developments. Landscape
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Landscaping Benefits and Lawn Maintenance Issues
Friday, 29 May 2020
Property value benefits of landscaping According to a Clemson University study, “Homeowners wanting to increase the value of their property will do well to consider the cost-effective, return potential of quality landscaping, and to safeguard their investments by hiring licensed, professional landscape contractors to perform the work.” This study found that quality landscaping can result
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How Landscaping and Hardscaping Increases Home Value
Saturday, 16 May 2020
The next time you step outside your home, you might want to take a closer look at your property’s landscaping and hardscaping. Upgrading a home’s landscaping from OK to W-O-W can increase overall value from 10-20%, according to research from Virginia Tech. Landscaping 101 Landscaping goes beyond just plants and shrubs to hardscaping, which includes
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Tips From Professional Lawn Care Mowers
Friday, 15 May 2020
It’s fairly easy to maintain your own lawn, but when a professional is offering you free advice why wouldn’t you listen to it? If you’ve ever wondered what little secrets the lawn care professionals might have to make the yards they maintain look as good as they do, then these tips are for you. You’ll
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