Buy an Existing Lawn Care Business Or Start Your Own?
Saturday, 13 June 2020
When entrepreneurs first decide to enter the lawn care business one of the first decisions that they have to make is whether to buy an existing business or go with their own independent start-up right from scratch. There are advantages and disadvantages to buying an existing lawn care business as opposed to starting your own.
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Landscaping Benefits and Lawn Maintenance Issues
Friday, 29 May 2020
Property value benefits of landscaping According to a Clemson University study, “Homeowners wanting to increase the value of their property will do well to consider the cost-effective, return potential of quality landscaping, and to safeguard their investments by hiring licensed, professional landscape contractors to perform the work.” This study found that quality landscaping can result
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Tips From Professional Lawn Care Mowers
Friday, 15 May 2020
It’s fairly easy to maintain your own lawn, but when a professional is offering you free advice why wouldn’t you listen to it? If you’ve ever wondered what little secrets the lawn care professionals might have to make the yards they maintain look as good as they do, then these tips are for you. You’ll
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Safely Mowing An Overgrown Lawn
Friday, 01 May 2020
There are many reasons why lawns are left to become overgrown, the property may have been left vacant for a long period of time, the property may be rented and the gardens not cared about by either the owner or the tenant, a busy lifestyle may just push our lawn care routines so low to
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Hustle Up Cash With Your Own Lawn Care Service
Friday, 17 April 2020
Many homeowners and property owners simply do not have the time to care for their lawns. That being the case, they will often hire someone to do it for them. That person could be you! You will need a few things in order to be truly successful in this type of work. The good news
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Wide Deck Lawn Mowers for Large Scale Lawn Care
Friday, 14 February 2020
Have you ever looked at an expansive, perfectly trimmed lawn and thought, “It must have taken an army of lawn mowers to do that job!” Large yards can make a big impression, but they require care that matches their scale. Professional lawn care services will get the job done, but at a premium cost to
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Lawn Care Basics
Friday, 31 January 2020
A beautiful, well-maintained lawn is the pride of most neighborhoods. The way your grass looks depends on the way that you take care of it. There is some basic things that you can do to help keep your grass healthy and beautiful. Mowing, watering, feeding, aerating and scarifying are all important steps to follow for
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Ecological Landscape Design and Organic Lawn Care
Friday, 03 January 2020
There is a growing recognition, that the expanding suburban landscape is having a negative environmental impact. Suburban development often includes vast energy dependent monocultures (perfect, grass lawns). They consume a significant amount of natural resources, (water to keep them green and gasoline to keep them trimmed), and they reduce the amount of habitat available for
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How To Start A Lawn Care Business On A Shoestring
Friday, 20 December 2019
As the economy loses more and more steam, people are beginning to think more seriously about starting their own business. If you’re one of those people and are in a quandary about where to start, there aren’t many business opportunities that qualify for being able to start-up on a shoestring budget. But there is one
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Don't Become a Lawn Care Horror Story
Friday, 06 December 2019
I have already heard two lawn care horror stories this year. Both were highly preventable, with the use of an actual, insured, honest, and knowledgeable lawn care professional instead of someone with a rake, and mower claiming to be a "professional". I have even seen people driving around with a push mower stuffed into the
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