Keeping a well-maintained lawn has become an accepted practice in society these days. In fact people are in the business of providing services for lawn care. That is because property owners regularly hire the services of lawn care professionals in order to keep their lawns well-maintained. But is there really a more sensible reason in keeping a lawn well-maintained other than for aesthetic purposes? Would paying your lawn less attention pose any danger to yourself or your family or even people in your neighbourhood? Should you really spend for keeping the grasses trimmed?
The answer would be yes. There are very sensible reasons why one should pay attention to his or her lawn. Among these reasons will be discussed in the following paragraphs. There are reasons why lawn maintenance has become a professional undertaking.
Voles, Rabbits, Allergens
Among the reasons why state policy for lawn maintenance is being pushed by advocates is the critter problem and the allergy problems that may arise from a poorly maintained lawn. The critter infestation can cause a lot of problem especially if a homeowner is also maintaining a small vegetable garden or greenhouse or even a flower garden. These critters could also invade the house and get into areas where food is kept or even the bedroom. An overgrowth in a yard is also likely to release allergens which may cause health problems among family members. This problem could not only affect the homeowner and family but also the neighbours.
Poisonous Plants
When a lawn is poorly maintained, the possibility of poisonous plants growing in the area is high. Poison Ivy and Poison Sumac are among the most common toxic plants that can grow in a yard that the owner has forgotten to maintain. The allergic reaction to poison ivy can cause rashes and blistering. In some cases, extreme reaction has caused death due to swelling of the airways as a result of ingestion of plant parts or inhalation of the oil in poison ivy. Again, these toxic plants in poorly maintained lawns can extend to the neighbour’s lawn, endangering not only the homeowner and his family but also his neighbours.
Considering that the dangers of keeping a lawn poorly maintained extends to other people in the neighbourhood, these exposes the homeowner to a possible lawsuit in case damage or injury is sustained by anyone of the neighbours caused by something that can be reasonably connected with the overgrowth in the homeowner’s yard or poorly maintained lawn. Instead of risking getting sued and paying thousands of dollars by way of damages, it is more sensible to hire the services of professionals in lawn care.
Source by Gabe V Jackson